this week, suddenly i've felt like fall is upon us.
the crisp cool air has made it's way to the rockies. nothing like having the most beautiful late summer months though, so i really can't complain. the weather here (which i continue to mention) is just absolutely perfect. such a blessing!
well- after a long week at the gap and starbucks for us both, peter and i enjoyed what we anticipated to be a nice afternoon at the nearby pumpkin patch at the Denver Botanical Gardens.... literally just down the road from where we live.
with high optimism, i ventured to think that even though it had been rainy and cloudy allmorning, we might be able to sneak in a bit of time in the afternoon to go. so we went- and had a great time! however, i think i was a bit too optimistic. about 30 min after arriving at the pumpkin patch, right in the middle of our mission to find the two most perfect pumpkins, it started to downpour!! haha. yep- that's right- downpour. which, quite honestly, wouldn't have been all that bad, had we not then continued to sit in our car soaking wet for nearly an hour as almost 500 cars tried to exit this huge field where the cars had been parked. after that charade, peter and i were convinced never to return again! i guess we'll see what happens next year. all in all- we did accomplish our mission- and have a few pictures to prove it! :)
first, it started out getting up at 4:30am to get into work at the Gap by 6am. yes, for those of you who didn't know... I've started a "temporary" job at the Gap in order to provide Pete and I with a little bit of income while I search for other, shall I say, more suitable work for someone such as myself! :) But.... in the meantime, it's great!
so in order for God to keep both Peter and I (although admittingly probably more me) completely dependent on Him, God's allowed some really awesome and unexpected blessings to happen in our life lately that I'd just like to share.
drum roll please.....we got a kitchen table! Sounds silly right.... but actually... after having sat on the floor for dinner after dinner the past 2months, a kitchen table was a HUGE blessing. I (Sarah) actually received in the mail some money that I was not expecting from my old company in Milwaukee, so with that we were able to get the table... Praise God!
Then, to our complete surprise, we received an letter in the mail from an incredible gentlemen that both Peter and I barely know, who felt led by the Lord to help us out while in Seminary. He graciously sent us more money then we know what to do with... and with that again... I was humbled by our Sovereign Lord, who knows all things and who does not have the roller coaster faith that I sometimes have.
All in all... I've really been learning from God that sometimes life throws you unexpected curves...hardships shall I say. I know first hand what thats like at the moment. But then again.... sometimes life throws you unexpected blessings as well- I think Paul knew full well what he was saying in Phill 4:19 when he says "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus". AMEN!
if it wasn't enough that my incredible husband is taking 14 graduate level credits this semester, he's now joined the ranks as a new employee of none other than...drum roll please.....starbucks. (i guess the logo may have given it away!)
that's right folks... peter is the new official barista in the family. ;) i'm eager to hear how his first day went- i'm hoping we won't be served with any sort of lawsuit claiming the coffee was "too hot"... (the risk you take i guess)
well, in any case, i'll let peter tell you how his first day REALLY went... but in the meantime, I thought I'd update you all on my job situation.
Although it has been incredibly difficult these past few weeks, to stay encouraged and positive, I have found incredible grace and comfort in our Sovereign Lord. That's not to say it hasn't been a extreme test of faith and me... it has. My days lately seem to be filled with tears of fear, worry, anxiety, and just lack of control. It's hard to rely on God for a job, but then again, who better to rely on...right?
I think the Lord really wanted to teach me that sometimes life is tough, uncertain, and just plain ol' nasty. (not to sound like a downer, but it's the truth isn't it?) That realization has been incredibly humbling. Especially the time peter and i stood in line for over two hours with the poor in our community for a few free grocery's last week. if that doesn't get you, i don't know what will.
nonetheless... the funny thing is, i wouldn't change a thing, because God's teaching us to rely on Him. He's teaching us that blessings truly do come from well as hardships. But like Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:10 "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." Amen Paul... Amen! I know God is big enough to provide me just the right job at just the right time... and that's where my (our) hope lies. Until then, Peter and I just keep looking to the cross.
we love you! and thank you all for your consistent prayers in this mattter. please know that we appreciate them all.
well, it's been almost 5 weeks since we arrived here- suitcases n' all, and we absolutely love it! total mileage from waukesha wi.... 1,034 miles (give or take). But who's counting... right? :)
since our arrival here to this adventurous state, we've climbed stairs...lots and lots of stairs. (you thought i was going to say mountains didn't you... but that's to come!) you see, our lovely little place we now call home, is conveniently located on the third floor, hence the reason for all the "climbing of stairs." i guess you can chalk that decision up to having really great thighs once we leave this place! ha!
we'll post again real soon, but we just wanted to say hello to all of you whom we love and miss and share some of our new home with you! Enjoy!
our front door! Unit G58
our lovely living room & peak of kitchen (notice the lovely blue wall- formly orange!!)
better view of living room
view from our porch... those are the rocky mountains you see!
peter and i figured this might be the easiest way for us all to keep in contact with you, and give you updates on our life, journey here at seminary, and anything else that comes our way.
something the Lord hit me with this week- Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
so feel free to check back as often as you like. we'll keep posting as regularly as possible! we love you all- pete and sarah.