well, here's what i've got for ya. like i said, the big news as of late is that we've moved. we're no longer in west littleton, we now reside in a city a bit east of there called lone tree. its about 20 min south of downtown denver. its great. slowly turning into our newest home. i'll get some pictures up soon.
peter and i also BOTH celebrated our birthdays in august, so that was another fun event. he got me a gift where i was able to be a "sou chef" for a day in a fresh market in downtown, which was AMAZING to say the least. what an experience. such fun! who knew that when you cut a pepper, your NOT supposed to take your knife and cut a circular whole in the top to pull of the stem. Nope. You're actually supposed to slice it down the side in quarters. after the last cut, the top just left. and BAM...no having to stand and slowly maneuver that part out. i also got to make a flour-less choc. torte and some fresh baguettes. wish i had a photo to share but somehow it vanished off my camera card.
peters birthday we celebrated by going to a Brazilian steakhouse about 40 min from here. he had no idea we were going and was super excited to say the least. i also made him his favorite dessert, choc. pecan pie. (photo below) it was lots of fun. i can't believe just a few years and we'll be celebrating 30! :) (shhhh....don't tell him i spilled the beans)
well folks, thats it for now. next post will be coming shortly...this time from the peter man himself.
lots of love here in CO,
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